Public Employees

AFT Connecticut represents thousands working in the state’s executive and judicial branches, as well as the career and technical education system, colleges and universities, in addition to several local municipalities. Our federation is also part of the State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC), which serves to unite the major unions representing over 40,000 full and part-time Connecticut state workers.

Timely updates and relevant resources for members of SEBAC-affiliated locals are available at the coalition’s website, linked above.

Click here for SEBAC v. Rowland lawsuit settlement information from the firm representing the coalition (Nov., 2022).

State workers whose rights to collective bargaining have been historically restricted under the law are also a part of our labor family. Since the 2017 affiliation with the Association of Managerial Employees in the Connecticut State Service (AMECSS), hundreds have joined together for a stronger voice on the job.

Click here to send email requesting more information about our Managerial + Exempt (M+E) Employees (or access their website at the Locals section, linked above).

Public Employees News

  • “Making Real Progress Today” while Preparing for the Next Round

    Moving employers from fixating on operating margins to investing in their workforce requires union members to muster a significant show of strength. Engaging, developing and empowering activists is critical to building and sustaining the pressure often needed to secure contractual gains. Our latest collective bargaining wins report highlights a local healthcare union’s recent victory that…

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  • Embracing Real Solutions for All Who Depend on Us

    In the final hours of the General Assembly’s 2024 session, labor activists and students secured an infusion of resources into the state’s public higher education. Wynn Gadkar-Wilcox (in screenshot, above), a council member in our AFT Connecticut affiliated CSU-AAUP, laid out the case for action in an op-ed published just days before. He made a…

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  • Striving to Balance a Growing Healthcare Duopoly

    Since late last year, members of the local unions at UConn Health (UCH) have renewed efforts to both protect and expand the state’s only public medical center. Two leaders of our AFT Connecticut-affiliated UCHC-AAUP, Michael Baldwin, MD (right, in collage above) and Ion Moraru, MD, PhD (left), clarified shared objectives in a recent op-ed. Together…

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July 2024
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