The AFT Connecticut Delegate Assembly is made up of the members of the Executive Committee and delegates from each of the federation’s affiliated local unions. The leadership body was previously known as the Executive Council and re-named following adoption of proposed changes to Constitution & Bylaws language at the 2015 convention.

Regular responsibilities of the Delegate Assembly include:
- recommending a budget to the annual business convention;
- adopting a recommended legislative/political action program;
- setting the salary of the officers;
- acting on recommendations made by the Executive Committee;
- acting on recommended modifications of the Local Assistance Program; and
- acting on vacancies in officer positions.
Delegates and/or designees to the council are elected by each local. The term of office of delegates or alternates to the Delegate Assembly is determined by the local’s constitution.
The number of delegates to the assembly is determined by the size of the local; one representative for the first 25 members, plus one representative for each additional 50. Each local has at least one representative; typically the president, unless otherwise specified in their Constitution or they have appointed a designee.
Per AFT Connecticut’s Constitution & Bylaws, the Delegate Assembly must meet at least three times a year, and generally meets four times annually; typically in October, December, March and July. Votes are per capita; it is a democratic process.
Click here to send an email requesting a current list of Delegate Assembly members.