AFT Connecticut represents thousands working in the state’s executive and judicial branches, as well as the career and technical education system, colleges and universities, in addition to several local municipalities. Our federation is also part of the State Employees Bargaining Agent Coalition (SEBAC), which serves to unite the major unions representing over 40,000 full and part-time Connecticut state workers.
Timely updates and relevant resources for members of SEBAC-affiliated locals are available at the coalition’s website, linked above.
Click here for SEBAC v. Rowland lawsuit settlement information from the firm representing the coalition (Nov., 2022).
State workers whose rights to collective bargaining have been historically restricted under the law are also a part of our labor family. Since the 2017 affiliation with the Association of Managerial Employees in the Connecticut State Service (AMECSS), hundreds have joined together for a stronger voice on the job.
Click here to send email requesting more information about our Managerial + Exempt (M+E) Employees (or access their website at the Locals section, linked above).
Public Employees News
Safeguarding Against Painful Federal Cuts
Working people face significant obstacles to achieving a better life if anticipated policies pushed by the new administration in the White House materialize. In a recently published letter to the editor, the former president of our AFT Connecticut-affiliated CSU-AAUP proposed a bold policy plan of action in 2025 to shield fellow Nutmeggers. Dave Walsh (speaking…
Sharing Best Practices for “Building and Supporting Effective Public Services”
Working people around the world are feeling the weight of overlapping crises fueled by powerful international corporations bent on undermining unions; growing inequality, a changing climate and increasing political violence. Last month, AFT Connecticut leaders participated in a regional approach to building a more just, prosperous and democratic future for all. The event was a…
Raising All Ships by Uniting to Rise the Tides
Special interests bent on protecting their power have long attempted to sow division among working people in order to maintain their privilege. Our state federation’s vice president for public employees teamed up with the head of the Universal Health Care Foundation of Connecticut (UHCFC) to denounce a recent example of this shameless tactic. Bill Garrity,…