AFT Connecticut is the largest union of acute care hospital workers in the state, representing approximately 10,000 nurses and allied health professionals. Our labor federation’s members work in more than 20 hospitals, community clinics and school district and college-based settings. From securing strong contracts to establishing safe staffing requirements, our members advocate for improved conditions for all healthcare workers as well as career education, relevant training and professional development.

Click here to follow our AFT CT Healthcare Council on Facebook.
Click here to learn how members are engaging with their community to save vital services in Windham/Willimantic (July, 2021).
Healthcare News
Proposing Real Solutions for Preventing Workplace Violence
Some health industry chains have responded to escalating assaults on hospital staff, their patients and visitors by arming their facilities’ security guards. The vice president of our AFT Connecticut-affiliated Backus Federation of Nurses offered a better approach when interviewed for our national union’s Medium blog. Emergency department nurse Danielle Berriault, RN (at microphone in photo,…
“Rebuilding from the Ground Up” to Raise their Standards
Overdue economic gains and family-friendly work schedules go a long way toward addressing the chronic recruitment and retention challenges facing many employers in this post-pandemic era. That was the argument the “founding mothers” of an AFT Connecticut-affiliated healthcare union made in their recently concluded negotiations for a successor contract. Our latest collective bargaining wins report…
Upcoming Events
Southwestern Regional Legislative Meeting – CANCELED
Greater Danbury Regional Legislative Meeting – CANCELED
Public Employees Council Meeting
Hope for HHC Staff

Health professionals employed by Hartford HealthCare (HHC) are coming together for a voice in their facilities. Click here to learn more.