AFT Connecticut’s commitment to our member teachers and school support staff, nurses and healthcare professionals, higher education faculty and state and municipal government employees doesn’t end at their retirement. Through the AFL-CIO, our national union, local affiliate chapters and our statewide council, we provide a strong, collective voice during their “golden years” on the issues that matter. From protecting pensions, to preserving healthcare, to defending Social Security, shielding hard-won gains is a life-long effort.
Click here to learn more and apply to join our retirees’ at-large council.
Click here for our national AFT’s resources for retirees.
Click here to our national union’s private Facebook group for retirees.
Click here for the AFL-CIO’s Alliance for Retired Americans.
Click here to send letters to Connecticut’s U.S. Senators urging support for the Social Security Fairness Act.
Retirees News
Achieving a Historic Victory with “Relentless Determination”
In January, history was made when two long-dreaded federal provisions, that unfairly slashed Social Security payments for millions of public employees, were finally eliminated. The law rescinding the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and Government Pension Offset (GPO) was a moment of triumph for the grassroots activists who have spent decades advocating for their repeal. Among…
Safeguarding Against Painful Federal Cuts
Working people face significant obstacles to achieving a better life if anticipated policies pushed by the new administration in the White House materialize. In a recently published letter to the editor, the former president of our AFT Connecticut-affiliated CSU-AAUP proposed a bold policy plan of action in 2025 to shield fellow Nutmeggers. Dave Walsh (speaking…
Advocating for Retirees Who Unfairly “Feel Real Economic Pain”
Members of AFT Connecticut-affiliated local unions have refused to let up on fixing a federal system that has let down public school educators. Despite setbacks, they have steadfastly advocated for the U.S. Congress to repeal Social Security restrictions penalizing retired public employees in 15 states. Over the past year, their activism has helped revive national…