AFT Connecticut represents thousands of school-related personnel (PSRP) in local and regional districts across the state. PSRPs work as paraeducators, teaching assistants, tutors, secretaries, school nurses, custodians and others who provide critical services that support student learning. From contract negotiations to professional development, AFT Connecticut works to secure the pay, benefits, conditions and respect they deserve as both professionals and “the engine that keeps their schools running.”

Click here to follow our national union’s PSRP Twitter feed.
Click here for the state education department website’s School Paraprofessional Advisory Council page.
“Rebuilding from the Ground Up” to Raise their Standards
Overdue economic gains and family-friendly work schedules go a long way toward addressing the chronic recruitment and retention challenges facing many employers in this post-pandemic era. That was the argument the “founding mothers” of an AFT Connecticut-affiliated healthcare union made in their recently concluded negotiations for a successor contract. Our latest collective bargaining wins report…
Securing “Protection and Much Deserved Benefits”
When working people come together and choose ‘Union YES,’ they tap a collective power that can achieve advantages nearly impossible to accomplish by individuals acting alone. The latest example is a first contract secured by recently organized members of our growing labor family that included extraordinary economic gains and unprecedented employment protections. The local Paraprofessionals…
Showing Management that “We All Expected Accountability”
What to do when your employer’s incoming human resources (HR) director openly and publicly expresses hostility to your workplace rights before they’ve even started in their new role? That was the challenge facing leaders of two AFT Connecticut-affiliated PreK-12 and paraprofessionals and school-related personnel (PSRP) locals and their labor siblings ahead of this year’s “back…