Nurses and Health Professionals

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AFT Connecticut is the largest union of acute care hospital workers in the state, representing approximately 10,000 nurses and allied health professionals. Our labor federation’s members work in more than 20 hospitals, community clinics and school district and college-based settings. From securing strong contracts to establishing safe staffing requirements, our members advocate for improved conditions for all healthcare workers as well as career education, relevant training and professional development.

Click here to follow our AFT CT Healthcare Council on Facebook.

Click here to learn how members are engaging with their community to save vital services in Windham/Willimantic (July, 2021).

Healthcare News

  • “Making Real Progress Today” while Preparing for the Next Round

    Moving employers from fixating on operating margins to investing in their workforce requires union members to muster a significant show of strength. Engaging, developing and empowering activists is critical to building and sustaining the pressure often needed to secure contractual gains. Our latest collective bargaining wins report highlights a local healthcare union’s recent victory that…

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  • Striving to Balance a Growing Healthcare Duopoly

    Since late last year, members of the local unions at UConn Health (UCH) have renewed efforts to both protect and expand the state’s only public medical center. Two leaders of our AFT Connecticut-affiliated UCHC-AAUP, Michael Baldwin, MD (right, in collage above) and Ion Moraru, MD, PhD (left), clarified shared objectives in a recent op-ed. Together…

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Hope for HHC Staff

Health professionals employed by Hartford HealthCare (HHC) are coming together for a voice in their facilities. Click here to learn more.