News at Our Labor Crossroads

Powerful special interests are attempting to “weaponize” the U.S. Supreme Court to gut one of the last remaining checks on their control—a strong and united labor movement. Under the false pretense of the First Amendment they filed the Janus v. AFSCME Council 31 lawsuit in order to overturn a 40-year precedent that’s been reaffirmed numerous times.
A 5-4 majority decision was on June 27 announced that rescinded the 1977 ruling and found all public sector employees’ “fair share” fees constitutional. While not unexpected, the outcome adds urgency to ongoing efforts to protect members’ pay, retirement security and healthcare.
Click here for an analysis of those most directly impacted by the lawsuit from the Economic Policy Institute.
Click here for public polling on the issues in the lawsuit from APM Research Lab.
Click here for information, tools and tips for survival in a post-Janus environment from Labor Notes.
Additional relevant news and opinion on the case and its implications for union members are compiled below in chronological order, with current pieces posted regularly. Click on the headline to access article or opinion piece at its online source:
News Coverage
Opinion Pieces