Education Policy

Center for the Study of Teaching and Policy

A consortium of five universities created to investigate the relation between excellent teaching and policy making at the national, state, and local levels.

Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE)

A consortium of five leading universities doing research on policy finance, school reform, and school governance

Educational Commission of the States

Organization which helps state leaders identify, develop, and implement public policy for education

Institute for Educational Leadership

A Washington policy group focused on promoting positive change in education

International Reading Association

Advocate for shaping public policy around excellence in the teaching of reading

National Assessment Governing Board

Independent bipartisan 26 member board which sets policy for NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress)

National Educational Research Policies & Priorities Board

NERPPB determines research priorities for OERI

U.S. Department of Education
This is the main site for the federal Department of Education