Classroom Tools

A to Z Teacher Stuff

Teacher Resources, Lesson Plans, Themes, Tips, Printables, and more.

Apple Learning Interchange

Educator created lessons and activities rich with movies, images and podcasts. Special collections on a range of topics.

Beginning Teacher’s Toolbox

A community of educators networking for mutual growth and support in the teaching profession.

Blue Web’n Learning Sites Library

A library of Internet-based instruction. Search for applications by grade level, application type, content area, Dewey number, and/or keyword.

Classroom Connect

Since 1994 Classroom Connect has been the leader in helping teachers use technology to improve learning. The company’s high quality professional development programs and online instructional materials meet the changing needs of K-12 school districts nationwide.

CT Network State Civics Toolbox

This award winning resource offers a complete series of videos, lesson plans, activities and materials designed to aid high school and middle school teachers with the instruction of state civics.

Education Oasis

An oasis of teaching resources and educational information for educators everywhere.

My Wonderful World

My Wonderful World is a National Geographic-led campaign to increase geographic learning. Test yourself, get Action Kits and more.

National Geographic Online

National Geographic provides free maps, photos, videos and daily news stories, as well as articles and features about animals, the environment, cultures, history, world music, and travel.

Route 21

The Partnership for 21st Century Skills is pleased to offer Route 21, a one-stop-shop for 21st century skills-related information, resources and community tools.

Share My Lesson
The AFT and Britain’s TES Connect have come together to create “Share My Lesson,” a new digital platform for U.S. educators to collaborate and share teaching resources and innovative ideas, with a significant emphasis on resources to guide teachers in implementing the new Common Core State Standards.


View lesson plans, booklists, and educational products for children grades Pre-K to 12. Classroom materials include online activities for kids, printables, and author interviews. Connect with other educators.

Teachers Net

Education resources, Teacher chat, lesson plans, teaching jobs.

Teachers Net Lesson Bank

Teachers.Net features over 4000 lesson plans and classroom ideas submitted by teachers just like you. Browse lesson plans by category, grade level, or search by keyword, and discover how the Teachers.Net community can make your planning easier and more rewarding.

Teacher Vision

High school, middle school and elementary lesson plans online. With ideas for great children’s activities and classroom management advice TeacherVision is the greatest resource for any teacher!

Worksheet Library
Worksheet Library features over 15,000 printable worksheets for teachers and educators.