Members of AFT Connecticut-affiliated local unions who are strengthening the state’s labor movement are being recognized as part of a regular feature at our social media platforms and monthly e-newsletter. They are nominated for “Meet the Activists” by colleagues who have benefited directly from their solidarity, guidance or dedication at work.
Click here to nominate a member to be featured in the program.
AFT Connecticut additionally recognizes a “Unionist of the Year” and presents the Joseph H. Soifer award at our annual convention. Those honored are nominated by their fellow members and chosen based on their contributions to our state federation and the labor movement by an ad-hoc Nominations Committee.
Click here to watch and share our 2024 AFT Connecticut convention awards presentations and scholarship announcements.
The Connecticut AFL-CIO additionally recognizes members of affiliated unions, which includes all of our state federation’s locals, annually at its convention for their commitment to building power. From organizing victories to community service to legislative action, activists are honored for the work they do beyond the workplace.
Both our national AFT and the AFL-CIO also lift up members for making a difference on the job, at the statehouse and in local neighborhoods at their biennial conventions.